Monday, May 16, 2011


 I was reading a joke book the other day and in the book there was a whole, separate section on Knock-Knock jokes. So, I start reading these jokes and I am thinking on how they came up with a Knock-Knock joke. Did someone re-enact the whole thing, like this,

Boys:"Knock on door

Girl:"Who's There?"

Boys:"Lettuce, we're from your science class"

Girl:"Lettuce who?"

Boys:"Just lettuce in already!"

..................I really don't want to find out what happens in their science class.
But for all you people, who are suffering from a friend who keeps on telling you knock-knock jokes, I have an antidote! Do-Not-Respond. Trust me, it's the best remedy, picture this,





Friend:"I said KNOCK-KNOCK, what if this was an emergency I could be suffering from a heart disease!"

You:"uhhhh.....ok, knock-knock"

Friend:"who's there"


Well, maybe that's not the best case scenario....

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